PMDD Relief Program

Easy to follow online program to reduce your PMDD symptoms in 1-3 cycles like I did, without anti-depressants, birth control or surgery.

I'm ready! Let's go!


Take control of your PMDD 

Everything you need to understand PMDD, and what might be exacerbating your PMDD symptoms

I need this! Let's go!

Meet the experts interviewed in the program

Dr Cris Beer

Integrative Doctor specialising in preventative health, lifestyle medicine, hormone & women’s health.

Dr Valerio Vittone

PhD Geneticist who is an expert in DNA testing to identify complex conditions relating to diseases, in particular PMDD.

Miriam Emad

Clinical Psychologist working extensively with individuals who are diagnosed with BPD, mood disorders, PMDD & complex trauma.

PMDD is on the rise...


Are diagnosed with PMDD and this is on the rise

Women report thoughts
of suicide during PMDD

Average time for a woman to receive a PMDD diagnosis

Women are diagnosed with PMDD worldwide

Dare to believe your life can get better...


Symptom Relief: You dream of experiencing significant relief from the physical and emotional symptoms of PMDD, allowing you to live the majority of your life without the debilitating effects of this condition.

Improved Quality of Life: You hope to regain control over your life, with the ability to participate fully in work, school, social activities, and relationships without the fear of PMDD disrupting everything.

Enhanced Self-Awareness: You hope to gain a deep understanding of your body, emotions, and triggers, so you can better anticipate and manage PMDD symptoms.

Empowerment: You want to feel empowered with the knowledge and tools to make informed decisions about your health, from lifestyle choices to treatment options, giving you a sense of agency over your own well-being.

Community and Support: You hope to connect with a supportive community of individuals who understand your journey and can provide ongoing encouragement, advice, and understanding, making you feel less alone in this experience.


Program outline

All this packed into one easy to follow program...


• Pre-recorded video interviews with a Functional Medical Doctor, a PhD Geneticist, and a Clinical Psychologist

• 7 educational video modules + 9 comprehensive PDF guides (including which blood tests to order)

• Action plan checklist to guide your next steps

• Exclusive access to our supportive private online community

Check out pricing!

Find the cause, treat the symptoms


The PMDD Pillars model - It's like a simple formula that helps us understand all the things that might be causing your PMDD. We split these things into two groups: stuff inside your body (internal) and things outside (external). This makes it easier for you to see what might be making your PMDD worse and what we can do about it

Freebies to support you

Supplement Guide

Supplements to super charge your health

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Nutrition Guide

What to eat to beat your PMDD symptoms

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Cycle Tracker

Insights into your hormonal patterns 

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Start your path to a brighter, symptom-free future

From the moment you join, you will have the materials, guidance and support to empower your journey

Instant access to all materials online
Invitation to a Private Facebook Community
Full refund if you don't see results
Yes, I'm ready!
- Find the answers you need to reduce your PMDD symptoms - 

So, what is inside the program?

100% Risk-free Refund Guarantee! 

The best way to see if it works is to try it. With my full refund guarantee there is no risk if you don't get the improvement in your PMDD symptoms you were looking for. Sign up today and simply email me within 30 days if you're not happy for a full refund.

PMDD Relief Program


Everything you need to move forward! Limited time price drop!

  • Instant access to the easy to use online program

  • Pre-recorded video interviews with a Functional Medical Doctor, a PhD Geneticist, and a Clinical Psychologist

  •  7 educational video modules + 9 comprehensive PDF guides (includes which blood tests to order)

  • Action plan checklist to guide your next steps

  •  Exclusive access to our supportive private online community

Buy now!

Hear from other PMDD Chickies...

Samantha E.

"I used to dread the monthly PMDD rollercoaster, but after completing the program I've gained control over my symptoms."

Tiffany R.

"I couldn't be more grateful for this program. Britney's expertise and guidance have transformed my PMDD experience. It's like a roadmap to freedom and well-being!

Bella M.

"The holistic approach made all the difference. I actually understand how my PMDD got so bad. It has been a huge relief for me. THANK YOU SO MUCH!! xx"

- The PMDD Chick Founder -

Meet Britney 

I was a fellow PMDD chick just like you. I suffered from debilitating symptoms every single month. I became relentless in my pursuit of finding answers and getting to the root cause of my symptoms. I am now a Certified Women's Health Coach on a mission to educate and help women who are feeling isolated alleviate their PMDD symptoms so they can live a better life.

Read more about my story

Frequently Asked Questions

You got this, Chick!

By not addressing and understanding the factors that could be exacerbating or contributing to your PMDD, you are bound to continue suffering. Learn how you can reduce your symptoms and live the life you deserve.

I'm ready!