PMDD Starter Support

Mini program packed with simple tools to help you get relief from PMDD immediately.

I need this! Let's go!


Learn quick relief techniques 

Everything you need to calm your nervous system, add supplements to your routine and take the Self Screening PMDD test.

Sounds good, let's go!

PMDD is on the rise...

Are diagnosed with PMDD and this is on the rise

Women report thoughts
of suicide during PMDD

Average time for a woman to receive a PMDD diagnosis

Women are diagnosed with PMDD worldwide

These are the most common questions I get asked... 


How do I get a PMDD diagnosis? Learn what you should prepare for your doctor's appointment when getting your PMDD diagnosis.

How do I know if I have PMDD? Take the self-screening test provided in this program.

What Supplements should I take? This will depend on what conditions are contributing to your symptoms. I take you through this in the program.

How do I re-train my nervous system? It is possible to calm your nervous system and bring relief when you are feeling your worst. Learn how + use the 3 guided meditations in this program.


Mini Program outline

Designed to bring you relief today...


• Live monthly group coaching calls with Britney (The PMDD Chick)

• 3 PMDD guided meditations: to regulate your nervous system when your PMDD flares up

• 4 Week PMDD Routine PDF guide: what you need to manage PMDD holistically week by week

• PMDD Diagnosis PDF guide: which outlines advice on getting a diagnosis from your doctor

• PMDD Self-Screening Test: how to do your own PMDD self diagnosis 

• Monthly Cycle Tracker PDF guide: to help you record your symptoms to use when getting your PMDD diagnosis.

• Exclusive lifetime access to our supportive private online FB community


Yes please! I need this!

Frequently Asked Questions

PMDD Starter Support Program

Join the PMDD Starter Support program today 

Starter Support Program


(Free for a limited time) Gives you access for 6 months

• Live monthly group coaching calls with Britney (The PMDD Chick)

• 3 PMDD guided meditations

• 4 Week PMDD Routine PDF guide

• PMDD Diagnosis PDF guide

• PMDD Self-Screening Test

• Monthly Cycle Tracker PDF guide

• Exclusive lifetime access to our supportive private online FB community

Buy now!

Hear from other PMDD Chickies...

Samantha E.

"I used to dread the monthly PMDD rollercoaster, but after completing the program I've gained control over my symptoms."

Tiffany R.

"I couldn't be more grateful for this program. Britney's expertise and guidance have transformed my PMDD experience. It's like a roadmap to freedom and well-being!

Bella M.

"The holistic approach made all the difference. I actually understand how my PMDD got so bad. It has been a huge relief for me. THANK YOU SO MUCH!! xx"

- The PMDD Chick Founder -

Meet Britney 

I was a fellow PMDD chick just like you. I suffered from debilitating symptoms every single month. I became relentless in my pursuit of finding answers and getting to the root cause of my symptoms. I am now a Certified Womens Wellness Practitioner on a mission to educate and help women who are feeling isolated alleviate their PMDD symptoms so they can live a better life.

Read more about my story